Experienced Cribbage
[Wednesdays] | 10:00AM - 11:45:00AM
Join this group if you are a serious cribbage player. They meet once a week in the dining room to play cribbage and enjoy coffee and cookies.
[Biltmore Estate & Asheville, NC] | [Sept 17-25, 2022]
PRICE - $972.00 for double occupancy
[Janesville, WI & Stillwater, MN] | [June 21-24] PRICE - 569.00 for double occupancy
Crafter's Corner
[1st & 3rd Wednesdays] | 09:00AM - 11:00AM
This group was formerly known as Comfort Bears but they have added more creative items to work on. Besides sewing and decorating comfort bears, they are now making quilts, pillow cases and knitting caps. Everyone is welcome to join. Just show up at 9:00 on the first and third Wednesdays of each month in the community room at Golden Link.
Recycled Cards
[2nd & 4th Tuesdays] | 01:00PM - 03:00PM
This group uses the cards that are donated from members to make new ones which we sell in the side entry of Golden Link for 50 cents each. Everyone is welcome to drop off their used cards and to join this group on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month in the dining room at Golden Link. If you are crafty with scissors and glue, this is the place for you!
Men's Smear Group
[Mondays & Wednesdays] | 8:00AM - 3:00PM
This group is a serious group of smear players who play all day every Wednesday. If smear is your game, this a group you should check out.
Men's Coffee Group
[Monday through Friday] | 10:00AM - 11:00AM
This group is growning as more men come to Golden Link to drink coffee, eat a cookie, and shoot the breeze.
Senior Club
[Postponed until April 2023]
Deb's Canasta
[2nd Tuesday of the Month] | 6:00PM
This group of ladies play cards while have a beer or wine and eat some snacks in Golden Link's dining room. This group welcomes anyone interested in being a substitute.
[Thursdays| 1:00PM - 3:00PM
This group of men and women play cards every week in our card room.
[2nd & 4th Wednesdays of the Month] | 1:00PM - 3:00PM
This group plays cards twice a month in our community room.
[1st Thursday of the Month] | 12:30PM - 3:00PM
This group plays cards once a month in our card room.
Entertainment Committee Meeting
[1st Thursday of the Month] | 1:30PM - 3:00PM
This group is always looking for new members. They meet once a month in the office to decide what fun events to hold at Golden Link. They also are in charge of fundraisers.
DAV Meetings
[3rd Thursday of the Month] | 7:00PM
Golden Link is the new home for DAV Meetings.
VFW Meetings
[2nd Tuesdays of the Month] | 6:00PM
Golden Link is the new home for VFW Meetings.
American Legion Meetings
[2nd Wednesday of the Month] | 7:00PM
Golden Link is the new home for American Legion meetings.
Girl Scout Meetings
[Date and Time vary]
Marcia Haglund is in charge of this Girl Scout Troop 20310. Golden Link sells cookies for them.
Crookston's Women's Club
[3rd Monday of the Month] | 2:00PM - 3:00PM
This group meets in our card room.
Ken's Study Club
[2nd Monday of the Month] | 6:30
This group meet in the winter months and takes summers off. They also hold their annual fundraising auctions in our card room.
Collector's Club
[2nd Monday of the Month] | 6:30
This group meets in our card room in the months opposite Ken's Study Club. This club takes the winter months off. They also hold their annual Christmas Party/Diner here in our dining room.
Mathein Women's Group
[1st Monday of the Month] | 2:00PM
This group meets some months at Golden Link.
Crookston Community Theater
[3rd Monday of the Month] | 5:00PM
This group meets here monthly in the card room.
AARP Driver's Safety Classes
[3rd Wednesday & Thursday of the Month] | 1:00PM - 5:00PM (Wednesdays) 9:00AM - 1:00PM
AARP has booked the community room for their Driver's Safety Class in April. Since there are so many that have signed up while they were closed for Covid, they will have two session a month. Call Golden Link 281-281-3072 to get your name on the list.
[3rd Monday of the Month] | 9:00AM - 10:00AM
North Country Food Bank brings a truck to our parking lot once a month to deliver food boxes for people 60 and older. This program is income based and you must sign up with the food bank before you get on their list.
SAIL Exercise Class
[Tuesdays & Thursdays] | 2:30PM - 3:30PM
SAIL used to be called Bone Builders and is a class ran through the RSVP (Americorps) Program at UMC. The leader of this group is Marsha Odom. You will need a doctor's verification before starting this class.
Sit, Stand, & Dance Exercise Class
[Mondays] | 2:00PM - 3:00PM
Jan Simmons leads this exercise class using different videos. Just show up on Monday to join this group.
[1st Thursday of the Month] | 8:#0AM - 11:30AM
Nancy Wagner brings her chair to Golden Link' community room once a month. She offers a half an hour reflexology session for $20.00. Call Golden Link to register. 218-281-3072
Foot Care
[2nd & 4th Thursdays of the Month] | 8:30AM - 12:00PM
Polk County Nursing comes to Golden Link's community room twice a month to cut toe nails. There is a $20.00 fee. Call Golden Link to sign up. 218-281-3072
American Legion Meetings
[1st Thursday of the Month] | 6:00PM
Golden Link is the new home for American Legion Auxiliary meetings.