Benefits of Volunteering with Seniors
Volunteering with seniors not only benefits them because it gives them someone to talk to and spend time with, but those giving their time also reap the rewards.
How to Volunteer with Seniors
ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE: Meets 1st Tuesday of Month at 1:30 pm.
The Entertainment committee has fun planning and helping with several activities in the year which include a bake sale, a craft show, Thursday night fun meals, a pancake breakfast and more.
BUILING COMMITTEE: Meets as needed.
This group is responsible to periodically check the building for potential problems and recommend any needed actions to the Board. They check the building for any repairs or updates.
This groups meets when any personnel issues arise. the type and review contracts once a year in the month of hire for the employees. they make suggested recommendations to the board for raises and bonuses for the employees. Time of requests are approved by presiden or personnel chairman.
We honor seniors as Experienced Americans once a year. The committee plans and works at this party. The chair of this committee tells the manager who is being honored and when so that the manager can call the mayor's office and let KROX and the Times know.
This person currently is Elaine Metzger. She sends out get well, thank you, thinking of you, and sympathy cards to our members and their families.
RECYCLED CARDS: Meets 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of Month at 1:00 pm.
This group meets twice a month and welcomes all members who like to be crafty to join this group. The take used cards that are donated and cut & paste them to cardstock to make a new card. We sell these cards at Golden Link for 50 cents each. The public is welcome to donate and buy these all occasion cards.
The committee oversees the budget, financial controls, investments, and grants. It monitors monthly spending and cash flow. It supports the development of the annual expense budget, tracks the actual spending vs. budget, watches monthly cash flow, and interprets the overall financial health of the organization on behalf of the board. All of the financial policies should be reviewed by the Finance Committee prior to board approval. The committee is alo responsible for monitoring the trip account and senior meals program.
GRANT COMMITTEE: Meets monthly.
This committee has branched off of the finance committee. This committee works with the building committee to see what needs to be done to update the building. Grants are a very important part of making Golden Link great!
The Policy and Bylaws Committee meets at least annually to review the Bylaws and recommend any necessary changes to the Board of Directors. Any proposed changes in the Bylaws must then be presented to the membership at least 30 days in advance of the annual meeting in January.
This committee also documents policies and procedures of Golden link when new structures or functions arise; they review existing policies and procedures and update them to reflect current structures and functions of Golden link as they change. The committee is to review, analyze, and revise policies and procedures to ensure conformity with changes in the Bylaws.
CRAFTERS' CORNER: Meets 1st & 3rd Wednesdays at 9:00 am.
The group encourages members to join them making comfort bears, sewing pillow cases, and quilting blankets for children in crisis. They are also talking about expanding into knitting caps.
SIT STAND & DANCE EXERCISE CLASS: Meets every Monday at 2:00 pm.
Hosted by Jan Simmons, this group meets in our community room and uses a video to exercise. The exercise is low impact on your back and knees. It is designed for a cardiovascular workout and weight loss.Everyone is welcome to attend. Just come on in!
SAIL EXERCISE CLASS-meets Tuesdays and Thursdays at 2:30.
Hosted by Marsha Odom, this classes helps build bones and was formerly known as Bone Builders. This class is ran through UMC and require a doctor's note before you can join.
The chair of this committee orders beverages and complies with all state and federal laws. Volunteers serve drinks during meals and events.
Sign Up to Volunteer